Painter in oil and watercolour and teacher, born in London, who studied at Redland Teacher Training College, Bristol, 1955–7, then obtained a fine art honours degree from West Surrey College of Art and Design, Farnham, 1988–93. Taught in her own studio and elsewhere, including Philipps House, Dinton. Putman painted still life, interiors and landscapes and admired Bonnard, Morandi and Vuillard. Although she preferred not to accept commissions, she chose to paint a number of watercolours for REME at Arborfield, 1990. Awards included PS Willi Hoffman Guth Award, 1989; RWS Open Exhibition Chris Beetles Award, 1990; and RWS Award, 1994. Mixed exhibitions included RA, RI, NEAC, ROI and RBA and many provincial galleries. Had a solo show at Compton Gallery, Windsor, 1986, and Wykeham Gallery, Stockbridge, 1989.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)