Painter and draughtsman, especially of architectural subjects. Born in London, son of Maresco Pearce a solicitor and artist and father of the architect John Ricardo Pearce. Studied at Oxford University, then at Chelsea School of Art under Augustus John and William Orpen, 1904, two years later in Paris with Jacques-Emile Blanche, and with Walter Sickert, who left an imprint on his style. Blanche records in his memoirs how Pearce was one of a group of artists, friends of Sickert, who congregated in the Dieppe area before World War I, among them Max Beerbohm, Marie Tempest and Percy Grainger. Pearce’s training as an architect and his love of France are reflected in pictures by him illustrated in Artists’ Country, by G S Sandilands. Pearce was a prolific exhibitor, including RA, LG, of which he was a member, as he was of the NEAC, Leicester Galleries and Goupil Gallery.

Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)

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