William Wyndham Grenville, Baron Grenville, Chancellor of the UniversityWilliam Owen (1769–1825)
Oriel College, University of Oxford
Abraham CaldecottWilliam Owen (1769–1825)
Warwickshire Museum Service
Bishop Thomas Burgess (1756–1837), Bishop of St David's (1803–1825), Bishop of Salisbury (1825–1837), Founder of St David's CollegeWilliam Owen (1769–1825)
Trinity St David, Lampeter, Founder's Library
Dr Phineas Pett, Principal (1801–1815)William Owen (1769–1825)
Oriel College, University of Oxford
The Rest by the WaysideWilliam Owen (1769–1825)
Burton Art Gallery and Museum
William Scott (1745–1836), Baron Stowell, Judge of the High Court of AdmiraltyWilliam Owen (1769–1825)
Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford
John Scott (1751–1838), 1st Earl of EldonWilliam Owen (1769–1825)