Artist in oil on canvas, paper and board, and sculptor, born Cherith Boyd and married to the architect and artist Robert McKinstry. She was born in Powick, Worcestershire, and attended Belfast College of Art, 1945–7 and 1950–3, in 1953 gaining a CEMA travel scholarship to France and Italy. Her work was concerned with humanity and human values, as well as exploring religious themes. She completed four commissions for her husband, and commissioned work included Church of St McNissi, Magherahoney, County Antrim, 1967, Stations of the Cross; Grand Opera House, Belfast, 1979, six ceiling panels; and Queen’s University, Belfast, 1986, a painting, Students. Mixed shows included RHA in Dublin, with solo exhibitions latterly at Ulster Museum, Belfast, 1980, and The Gordon Gallery, Londonderry, 1991.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)