Archibald Kay was born in Glasgow on 4th September 1860. His father did not want him to become an artist so Kay joined the office of the family business of Peterson and Co., produce brokers in Glasgow, at the age of 14. He soon switched to teaching art at a school on the south side of Glasgow for a period of 18 years before becoming an artist. While teaching, he spent his free time studying at the Glasgow School of Art under his principal teacher Robert Greenlees. By 1882 Kay was living at 294 St Vincent Street with his studio in West Regent Street, both close to the Glasgow Art Club in Bath Street. In 1882 he moved his studio to 120 Mains Street, off Bath Street, and was there until 1891. This studio subsequently became the home of Charles Rennie Mackintosh and Margaret Macdonald Mackintosh from 1900 to 1906, with the entrance on Blythswood Street. His address in 1883 was Glengair House, with the address 'Lenzie Junction'.

Text source: George Farrow

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