Painter, daughter of the artist Augustus John and Nora Brownsword, who was briefly his model. Gwyneth was brought up in Norfolk and London and studied painting with André Lhote in Paris and at Central School of Arts and Crafts under Cecil Collins. Her work mixed gentleness, innocence and a subtle colour sense, but was strengthened by an awareness of the output of painters such as Christopher Wood, Paul Klee and the Cubists. Her love of working in Spain, where she owned a small house in the hills above Alicante, and France fed the rural idyll aspect of her paintings. Showed in group exhibitions with Young Contemporaries, LG, WIAC (of which she was president for a time) and at Roland, Browse & Delbanco. Solo exhibitions included Portal Gallery, Woodstock Gallery, Carter Gallery in Los Angeles, Galeria Arrabal in Spain and Sally Hunter & Patrick Seale Fine Art, 1985.

Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)

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