Portrait of Myself with Malthy
Pat Douthwaite (1934–2002)
Paisley Museum and Art Galleries, Renfrewshire Council Collections
Painter and printer, born in Glasgow. As a small girl she studied movement and mime with Margaret Morris, wife of the painter J D Fergusson; he encouraged her to paint, but otherwise she was self-taught. In 1958 she lived in Suffolk with a group of artists, including Robert Colquhoun, Robert MacBryde and William Crozier. In 1960, Douthwaite married the artist and illustrator Paul Hogarth and with him lived at Deya, Majorca, where she entered the circle of the writer Robert Graves. The marriage was competitive and stormy and was eventually dissolved. From 1959 for some years she travelled worldwide, then settling to work in Britain. Had first solo show at 57 Gallery, Edinburgh, 1958. Participated in many group shows in Britain and abroad and had regular one-man exhibitions, including a retrospective at Third Eye Centre, Glasgow, in 1988–9, and tour; and exhibitions at the William Jackson Gallery and The Scottish Gallery, which held a memorial show in 2005 with an extensive catalogue.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)