Flowers in a Pottery Vase 1927
Gerald Hugh Tyrwhitt-Wilson Berners (1883–1950)
North Lincolnshire Museums
Composer, painter, writer and eccentric, born at Apley Park, Bridgnorth, Shropshire. He was educated at Eton College and entered the diplomatic service, serving abroad in several posts, then inherited his titles in 1918. He was to become Sir Gerald Hugh Tyrwhitt-Wilson, 5th baronet and 14th Baron Berners. Bought Faringdon House, in Berkshire, where he then lived, although he spent some time in London and in Rome. His main interest was music, which he studied under Stravinsky and Casella. Berners composed orchestral and piano music and opera but was especially noted for his clever scores for Sadler’s Wells Ballet and the 1926 success The Triumph of Neptune for the Diaghilev Ballet. Berners’ playfulness and wit are best shown in his music, less in his landscape paintings, which were in the manner of Corot, whose work he collected along with that of Derain, Matisse, Sisley and Constable.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)