Artist and teacher, born in Leeds, Yorkshire, who graduated with honours in fine art from University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1962–6; gained a Hatton Scholarship there, 1966–7; and her master’s in fine art from University of Reading, 1967–9. Abbott was a fine art lecturer at that University, 1971–4, and a visiting lecturer, University of Leeds, 1974–5. Having moved to Yorkshire in 1975, she settled on the Norfolk coast in 1998. Group exhibitions included London Young Contemporaries, 1964–5; LG, Mall Galleries, 1965; Winter Exhibition, Ferens Art Gallery, Hull, and Print Exhibition, Nahal-oz, Negev, Israel, both 1968; John Moores Liverpool Exhibition, and Open Field Exhibition, Museum of Modern Art, Oxford (purchase prize winner, Southern Arts Collection), both 1972; First British Drawing Biennale, Teesside Museum, Middlesbrough, 1973; with many shows in the north, including Pyramid Gallery, York, and Scarborough City Art Gallery, 1979–98; Eastern Open Exhibition, Fermoy Gallery, King’s Lynn, 1999; and Courthouse Arts, Hunstanton, 2001.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)